
Mike iLL


| | | — | | Noise Action Coalition, NYC. They aim to raise the pay standard for punk/rock musicians like us. Pretty cool, it’s time - the Union structure from the 30’s isn’t working 4 us right now.

Saw Seth Toboccoman and Lee Ronaldo performing last night in the city, pretty cool stuff - Seth’s work is really powerfull. Hearing Lee (reading from his new book of 1980’s journal entries, on SoftSkull Press) made me wanna write about S+M/Heroin/Crack parties at Paradise Lost.

Seeing Otter perform for the first time was great. She comes out on stage at the Pyramid Club totally naked except for high heels, and reads a piece about foot-fucking an old boyfriend in New Orleans. This woman seems like fun.

She’s got surgically implanted fangs. At one point I remember her sucking me off on the couch, while sticking syringes through my nipples, get stiff just thinking about it.

Some day I’ll write about hanging from the ceiling, being electricuted by her (foot in her vagina) and mistress Salome, in a room full of young freaks. That was fun.

Thanks, Mike iLL

